Be Sure to Catch Stages Shear Madness!
Be sure to catch PB Talent’s Justin Doran and Deborah Hope in Stages production of Shear Madness! #PBProud In this hilarious and hair-raising beauty parlor puzzler, the audience acts as the evening’s “Shearlock Holmes”, combing through clues, questioning suspects and trying to solve the murder of a renowned pianist who lived above Houston’s hottest hair salon. New clues and up to the minute improvisation deliver a different show every night! Voted “Best Comedy of the Year” seven times by the Boston Globeand named “Best Play of the Year” by both the Chicago Sun-Times and the Philadelphia Enquirer, Shear Madness holds the Guinness World Record for longest-running U.S. play.
DIRECTED BY Josh Morrison and Mitchell Greco
Source: Pastorini Bosby